The Game of Lowered Expectations

A few days back there was a headline in the Stars and Stripes Magazine that said this:
I posed with my buddy Blucher with the newspaper and didn't realize the irony in this until later. It did not take the comments of a General to remind all of us here in Iraq that "victory was not in our hands." It never has been in our hands. This war was created out of thin air. It was built on a foundation of lies. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. There were no weapons of mass destruction. We certainly were not greeted as liberators. Yet the administration until the last few days continued to insist that its civilian and military leaders in the pentagon drink the cool-aide and try to bullshit us all into believing that we could win this thing from a military vantage. We never did get that whole "winning the hearts and minds" thing down. But I guess now even the most optimistic "cool-aide" drinkers are seeing the writing on the wall. We have lost this war. There is, in my humble opinion, no hope for victory in Iraq. So what do we do? The choices are limited...escalate the war...immediate withdrawal...gradual withdrawal. Over the next several weeks we will hear about these choices and the advantages and disadvantages of each of these. I speak for myself...but I know I and alot of my fellow soldiers are prepared to do whatever is necessary to help end this nightmare with a level of honor and dignaty. But rest assured...we are not drinking the "cool-aide". We know we are fighting impossible odds and a losing battle. But we will soldier on. We just have to move the guide post a bit...lower expectations...and salvage what is left of hope. That is all we soldiers can do. Victory is not in our hands...but neither is the loss. We didnt lose Iraq. Bush lost Iraq. In the end...history will not be kind to those who got us here. But I know this....we still love our country...and we have done our best. We will do our duty until the end...whatever that end is. God help us.
we were assured that you all would recieve our bountiful holiday pkg from the Tarantelli Monday night Softball gang before tonight. We wanted it to get there to CHEER YOU! Is it there yet?
dad, When are you gonna come home? It is nice here with the T's. Mama T puts gravy and sauces with my kibble, scraps of lamb and beef, occasional chicken tenderloins, burre blanc , au jus.. etc.. I can still stay 'till August?
Still....we love you all and know that you are doing your best. Glenn, please tell your ladies and gents that. You guys NEVER leave our thoughts. I have a big yella daug belching in my face after every breakfast he eats. Don't let that leave your thoughts, either. $$$$$You can pay up later. JK.
My prayers are with you.
My son is home from Iraq and will be out of the army in less than 90 days. I am so grateful he made it home safe and sound. I pray this all ends soon. God's speed to you and your fellow soldiers.
Hi, Glenn.
I just saw your video on YouTube and read your last article in your blog.
There's one question: Many talk about winning the war in Iraq. But the thing is: The war is over. It has been since 2003. What we have there now is anarchy and a fight of everyone against everyone.
In most wars you know who the enemy is. Who is it now? Sunnis? Shiits? Mullahs? Guerilla-fighters? Armed civilians?
I don't see a clear picture of an enemy. In my opinion, Iraq is, like Afghanistan, a lost cause. For years and maybe decades to come, the country will remain unstable. And there's nothing nobody can do. Despite your best efforts, the US Army, AF and MC won't be able to stop this.
In my opinion, the best thing to do would be to speed up the training program of the Iraqi Army and to bring all soldiers home, christmas 2008 at the latest. To say it bluntly: It doesn't matter if you fail or them. What matters is to get you home before more of you die a useless death in a war that has nothing to do with you anymore.
Despite all this - merry christmas to you and your comrades-in-arms! Greetings from Germany. May god bless you all and guide you home on a safe passage.
Give 'em Hell Chappsie!
Merry Xmas.
Since you won't be around this year to light your Chanukah candles, I'll have to do it for you.
Your Jewish Friend,
We, as Americans, are always seen as overwhelming people. My thought is that the first time we pull out of anywhere or fail to go into another; we are pooped on like a shopper by a pidgeon in NYC. No solution is clear..Or dodged...
Hey, you're looking good. We all miss you. Can't wait for your leave and hope to be able to meet "T" and see Elvis. I no longer have Tugger so Elvis and little dog can hang out. Pls be safe and we love you.
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