Sunday, December 04, 2022

Surprise! I will post more than once this year.

 Hello My friends!  I decided this year to write everyday in the month of December.  I call it my Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories.  Here is the first day:

December 1, 2022:

 Advent Calendar, December 1st.

And so here we are on the first day of the last month of 2022. I always thought that the first day of December was the first day of advent because that was the first day on the Advent calendar. But apparently advent actually began a few days ago. That’s what happens when you don’t go to church regularly. Oh well. I thought that I would start a little Facebook advent calendar and post a few daily Christmas memories I’ve had over the course of my life. So to begin I thought I’d start with a nugget from a Christmas in the early 70s. I was a strange kid. I still am quite strange. But the one memory I have of a favorite present that I always want it and finally got was the Home version of the Price is Right board game. For whatever reason, I was a big fan of that show and I love Bob Barker. In fact I wanted to be Bob Barker. One day I was watching the show and I noticed one of the nice parting gifts for those who didnt win at the price is right was the Price is Right home game!. Boy did I want that game. If I had that game I thought I could be Bob Barker. So as my birthday and then Christmas rolled around I begged my parents to get me the game. But try as they did, they couldn’t find the game and I ended up getting a home version of the old game show Beat the Clock. It was fun, but it wasn’t what I really wanted. So I was a little sad because I thought my dream of being the next Bob Barker was dead. A few days after Christmas my brother Ron, who had been in the army and had gone to Vietnam, surprised us all by showing up to our house after having been gone for years. We were all so excited to have him home. And of course my big brother brought home lots of gifts for all of us. I still remember what it felt like to hold the wrapped gift he had given me. I wasn’t sure what was in the package, but it seemed like the size of a board game. I slowly began to tear at the package. And then I noticed the first two words I could see so the box as I slowly tore away the wrapping. THE Price…..could it be?..I the could no longer contain myself and quickly ripped the paper and stared at the unwrapped box…..The Price is Right! I got the Price is Right home game! I can’t tell you how excited I was. Without a doubt it was the greatest Christmas present I ever received. Thanks to my big brother, I was going to be Bob Barker and all my family were going to be the lucky contestants. Happy Advent everyone!


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