Monday, February 27, 2006

Hurry up and Wait

When I first joined the Army in 1983 I remember in basic training the drill sergeants who would herd us all along like cattle from each activity to each activity. No time to waste...hurry hurry hurry gotta get somewhere fast and do something quick. Then we would get there....and WAIT. For along time...just stand there and wait. Hurry got to go to a class...hurry to the range...hurry to chow...hurry to more classes....blah blah blah. I kind of relived all that again when I went to the MEPS center to get my physical and to process into the Guard. "Here get in this line to get weighed....stand in this line to draw your blood....wait here for you hearing test... and wait here to see the Doctor". In 23 years, the Army still gets us to hurry up and wait. AHHHHHH! Oh well. If you can't beat them....join them. Which I did. Waiting is the worst thing. It makes you feel helpless. Thats kinda how I feel right now. Excited and helpless all at the same time. You see I am waiting. Waiting to see if I am going to be deployed to Iraq. I have volunteered to go and have the approval from my Unit Commander and our Colonial. It is working its way up the chain. The state mobilization office says this can take 4 to 6 weeks. So I am in line....waiting. It would be fine if I knew an exact date then I could do my planning. I have already begun that, but I really want a date to tell people. And the worst part is the thought that maybe they wont take me afterall. Thats my biggest fear right now. A friend asked me if I was scared about going to Iraq. I told him I was only afraid of not going. I guess I just need to take a breath and relax.


Blogger HighFlyingMechanic said...

Hi, first I just want to say Thank You! Anyone who is in there 40's (no offense) and re-enlists in the army is awsome in my book. I have a lot of friends over in Iraq at this moment as well as everyone else in the U.S. Im 21 and I feel guilty that im not over there at this very moment serving. I just finished Aircraft Mechanic school in December of 2006. Ive read all your blogs and you are what American is defined as!! Im giving serious thought, of putting that education I just finished to use in the Army. My parents think im crazy, or maybe just scared to death, but its hard to explain to them my convictions and the way I feel. I love the USA and I dont nessesarily agree with Iraq but my high school friends are there and I want to be right beside them.

Thank you soo much for giving us freedom!!

Justin Martin
Luthersville, Georgia

12:58 PM  

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