Thursday, October 12, 2006

Chicken Hawks - The other "yellow" meat

Well the war is still going on. And there is a big mess over here and in North Korea. The GOP is dealing with an unpopular president and an unpopular war and a scandal with a congressman from Florida who has been getting a bit too friendly with the kiddies. Proof that it is not just the Democrats that can't keep their hands to themselves. The GOP is desperate you see to change the subject because the one group that seems to be hanging in there with them after all the bullshit they have put the country through may be getting a little discouraged with the direction the leadership is taking the party. I am of course talking about the REALLY HOLY HOLY PEOPLE WHO PRAY THAT WE ALL WILL BE LIKE THEM SOMEDAY AND NEVER HAVE SEX OR EVEN THINK ABOUT HAVING SEX EXCEPT ON VERY RARE OCCASIONS OR WHEN NOONE IS LOOKING. This guy Mark Foley is a scuz. No doubt about it. He was chairman of a committee on congress that dealt with abused and exploited children. Nice role model. And apparently, the Speaker of the House knew about his elicit emails to these youngsters. But because he was considered a "shoo-in" for reelection they tried to keep this on the down low. Now its blown up and all the Republicans are running for cover. Well the only comfort I think that the Republican can take is the fact they are running against a party that has no vision and no plan and no clue. This being my party....ummm...the Democrats. Well thats not completely true. There are some good plans out there being pushed by the Dems, but for the most part they are a party that has lost its way...and most of its spine. It bothers me that so many Democrats supported this war in 2003 and did nothing to challenge Bush on his decision to rush us into war. They quietly fell in lock step with him afraid that they would be percieved to be "weak" when it came to fighting terror. Now they want to be the "Anti-war" party. Courage is needed right now...on both sides of the aisle. I don't see much hope it will ever reveal itself. Which brings me to the title of this post. I am here today (in Iraq), for me by choice, many others had no choice, because a group of neo-conservatives attached at the hip to George the Stupid decided that their years of playing Chess and the game Risk prepared them to fight a real war embarked on a campaign to do just that. The fact is these guys were not prepared and ignored the advice of countless experienced military men and woman. These guys who fancied themselves as 21st century Alexanders or Napoleons, had little or no real military experience. Consider this article from the Nation by Eric Alterman:

"During the run-up to the Iraq war, it was impossible not to notice that those most gung-ho for the adventure were, by and large, virgins when it came to the actual battlefield. George W. ("I was not prepared to shoot my eardrum out with a shotgun in order to get a deferment. Nor was I willing to go to Canada. So I chose to better myself by learning how to fly airplanes") Bush; Dick ("I had other priorities") Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Tom DeLay, Elliott Abrams--to a man, all found better things to do than join the armed forces during Vietnam, a war most of them supported." (December 1st, 2003)

That pretty much says it all about these clowns. They wanted a war...a war they knew they would not have to fight in themselves....when they got their chance to actually fight in one....Vietnam....they had other priorities. They are called chicken hawks. All gung-ho until the shooting begins and then its off to college or to work on a political campaign or some other activity short of combat. You will know them by their high pitch shrill and by their distinct "yellow" markings. But they are not to be feared. They only talked tough. I guess thats enough ranting for the night. Later dudes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOOH....Blog all pretty now.
Miss you.


4:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...





Yur Friend

8:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yo what up my brother from a different mother. howz it hangin in the sand desert mofo. I hope u r doing great and doing what u r suppose to do in the name of war hehehe.
anywoo take care & lots of cookies for ya

11:52 AM  

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