Saturday, January 21, 2012

Last week of Civilian Life

Well it looks like this thing is happening.  Although there is still a lot of uncertainty.  But I am use to uncertainty when it comes to the Army.  As of this moment, I will be reporting to Syracuse one week from today, be there for a few days and then fly to Mississippi (wow, I can spell that) and then start my training for (insert secret location here).  Or I could get there and they say...thank you for coming now go home soldier.  You see, in case you haven't heard peace is breaking out all over!!!!  Troops have left Iraq, some are leaving Afghanistan soon, and Kuwait is getting over-crowded.  So, there is a possibility that this trip won't pan out the way the other one did.  But if it does, well then I am ok with it.  I have a nice life and a tremendous job.  So if Uncle Sam says they don't need me I will go back to being a veteran again and wait for the next war to come around.  Ha ha.  I was being sarcastic earlier, peace is not breaking out all over.  No actually, the problem is that we can't afford war anymore.  A trillion here, a trillion there...before you know it you're  talking about real money.  And we don't have it anymore unless we borrow it from the Chinese.  On another note, I was excited to see that someone was reading my blog besides me.  My big bro, John.  Thanks John for giving me more reasons to write.  I want to plan a trip to Florida when I get back, so hang in there, I'll need a place to stay.  So this week I have a lot to do of course, including packing and making final arrangements at work.  Work will be busy.  I plan on working until Wednesday and than taking the next two days to finish getting ready.  Have a great day everyone.


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