Saturday, January 06, 2007

Countdown to Leave...35 Days and a Wakeup

Well here I am posting my very first post of 2007. It has been a quiet so far. I am glad the holidays are over though. Now we all are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have been counting our days until we go on leave and the days left of the deployment. We can all say that we are leaving Iraq...this year...2007. We think...haha. The President is going to be presenting a plan to "surge" another several thousand troops to Iraq in the coming months. Speculation is that the Army will meet these goals by speeding up deployments for troops preparing to come to Iraq and extending existing deployments (like us) for up to 90 days. If this happens...we may end up in Iraq until late fall/early winter instead of coming home in July/August. I am ok either way I quess. But I know my love wants me home even sooner then that. My friends too. But I will have to wait and see about how it all turns out. In the meantime...I got my leave dates....and they begin on the 14th of February and go until the 28th. 15 days. I am looking forward to that so much. I will be leaving Iraq a few days before that and hopefully getting back to the US by Valentine's Day. Oh the thought of a romantic dinner in the City really sounds nice. Hang in there baby. I love you. Can't wait to see you. We are planning a big party for that following weekend and then I will be taking a trip down south to see my family in Kentucky and Tennessee. Well anyway. I think this New Year is starting out pretty good. I am real happy and exciting about what the rest of the year will hold. I hope the rest of you are doing good. Talk to you soon...and see you all soon.....35 days and a wakeup!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A possible another 90 days with Elvis, eh? That only means his current pack leader has additional days to scare him straight. He walks by his leader's side now, unleashed, under controlled conditions (within the football track area). He usually does not go out an open door without being told, and he knows that we enter the house first, and then he can follow. BUT.. the SQ thing is still an issue. (remember, our code word for squirrel.) He never touches humans food, unless it is placed in his dish. And, when humans are eating, he lays down, away from them. Elvis sleeps on his dog bed when he is in Stephen's room, or on the ONE couch (with the most blankets) that he is allowed(and often with a human). Elvis has learned not to bark when the many, many people walk in to the house without ringing the doorbell and is doing better at not giving us all heart attacks when someone closes the fridge. He is, and always has been, great with his feline buds.Let us know when you want him, Glenn, just don't F up all Joe's work.Love Ya, and T too.

1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenn,

Damn time flies.
Glad you'll be back home soon.
Look forward to seeing you in February.


1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everything changed last Sunday night when our sewer pipe collapsed. We did not know we were a gonner at the time, we thought it was "just" another 2 hours Joe would spend schlopping stuff in the basement. Joe can weild a pressure bag better than most, but after 36 hrs. he called it quits. Long story short, after being dissed by two other businesses and waiting more than 24 hours for..anyway.. call-backs.... we farmed off the rest of the fam.We had to find a place for our sons to SSS. Joe and I would camp it. Fine, except we are going to Harrisburg, PA for an event that was planned a year ago and we have 4 Canadians staying with us next weekend. Then our furnace died, I swear, I was crying, listening to the guy tell Joe what was wrong, and I tried to fix the heat - I knew it was dead.That only cost 300$, the sewer was 3,000. Well, we are all ok, that is the most important. What a bitch though, huh? Not really, compaired to all the stuff you and your group do for us. Tell them that people at home still get really upset at stupid things, like irate drivers and nasty cashiers, but some of us stop. We stop and realise what you all are doing for us is so beyond our irritation, beyond our reality of what you all go through. Hey, it's funny, huh? You all are providing mental therapy for us here at home. What goes around comes around, I say. Five days without a toilet, sink, shower, laundry, etc., in your own home.Ha! No prob! Once again Glenn, tell your gang thank you and we love each and everyone of them! Thanks Soldiers!

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Glenn!
Happy New Year! Hope 2007 brings you home safe and sound on the sooner side of yr' estimated spectrum. We all miss you and can't wait for long conversations -- or is it audiences for the rest of us, ha ha ha -- fraught with your hilarious rants and bawdy humor. Take care, and cheers to yr' crew.
JW (Duke of Troy)

5:34 PM  

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