Sunday, July 01, 2007

Home Stretch!

It's July 1st. You know what that means? It means that I am leaving Iraq....THIS MONTH...and coming home to see all my family and friends...NEXT MONTH. Ha ha. How about that? The time has flown by and I can not believe that my departure is so close. Everyone is in count down mode. "HOW MANY DAYS YOU GOT SOLDIER?''....."30 days and a wake-up sergeant!" Everyone has a countdown clock on their computers...and mine says...20 days! Wow. There is so much that I need to do to get ready. This coming week will be real busy. I have guard duty on Tuesday and Thursday. And in between, on Wednesday, I have a DCS briefing. That is the briefing that those leaving theater have to have prior to leaving. It begins our out-processing. It is very exciting. And the saying goodbyes have begun. Since mid-May, we have been losing people to redeployment. My roommate left in May (I have had my own room since then) and a few of my buds have left the last few days. Yesterday, we had our last section party to say goodbye to one of my favorite soldiers. Jaime is a specialist from Houston. I have really bonded with her. She is a great soldier and a good friend. I know her husband and son cant wait to have her back, but damn we will miss her. You know, it was hard for me when I said goodbye to my family and friends back home, but it is equally hard for me to say goodbye to my soldiers. Because for the year and a half...they have been my family. I cherish everyone back home, but I will never forget the guys and gals who went to war with me. Who laughed and cried and worked and played all these many months. Everyone felt lonely and a little down (particularily around the holidays) this past year, but we all took comfort in the fact that we had each other. That is a bond that will never go away. I am so grateful for it. But, there is still much I need to do. The mission is not complete yet, but time is on our side. We are coming home THIS MONTH. Keep your fingers crossed and pray that we will see this one through.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All right bro...just get your ass home and the next time you feel like playing in the sand, let me know and i'll send you a ticket to come down here in florida!!!! I'll bet our women look better in bikinis than the women in iraq!!

9:17 PM  

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