Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran Day 2008

Today is Veteran's day. I didn't do much. I bought a new couch. I am sure I did more last year. Ha ha. But then again, I wasn't a veteran then. I was an active duty soldier. Today I am sitting in my living room, not in my "hooch" with my dogs and my honey at my side instead of my M16. And even though I am so glad to be back home, I have moments when I can't stop thinking about Iraq. I hear from my bud Blucher and he says he is having some of the same feelings. Yeah, this time last year we were thinking about what it would be like a year from then. Which is today. Ha ha. But today being Veteran's day, means that my thoughts are with guys and gals who are still over there and those who have come back. The other day, I was saddened by a report that came out that said that over a quarter of all homeless people were veterans. That is really stunning to me for some reason. Another report says that there has been a dramatic increase in suicide among returning Iraqi war veterans. And there is still alot of problems with VA care for wounded soldiers. So as much as everyone always says we need to take care of the "troops" and our "vets", it seems that alot of it is all talk and no action. Veterans day should not be one day. It should be everyday. When I was in Iraq, we didnt have to worry about much. We had a warm place to live, plenty of food, entertainment, free health care and we got paid really well. Granted, sometimes we got shot at, but that was rare. But as soon as we become "civilians", well thats when the stuggle begin. Homelessness, unemployment, poverty, and so on. So once the government has used us up...then its off you go So, yeah. Today is Veteran's Day. We don't want parades and people flying flags and all that shit. We want jobs, places to live, and decent health care. Just like everyone else.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faded yellow ribbons, cheesy magnets and "Support our troops!" bumper stickers don't house, feed or clothe or pay off maxed credit cards or defaulted mortgages, do they.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey little Brother,
Although I appreciate every thing that you have endured in the past year or so, i have to take offense at your writings in your last posting. While it is true that one out of four homeless persons are veterans, it also means that three out of four are civilians!!
Also, while you were in Iraq, living comfortably as you said, there were millions of Americans, homeless, hungry, and without any medical care what so ever!! I won't even talk about entertainment. Also while you were gone we, (civilians) were being shot dead at a rate of twice that of the Soldiers in Iraq.
Now, all that aside, I want to let you know how we(my wife and I) spent the Veterans Day Holiday!! It started about a week before with the two of us, picking weeds and mowing grass at the V.F.W. Then we helped place over 2,000 American Flags at a local State Veterans cemetary because they don't have the funding to do it themselves. Then on Veterans Day we arrived at the Post at 0330 to start preparing the meal for both Veterans and Civilians who gathered to Honor the Soldiers of the United States. At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month we participated in a beautiful and respectful "Parade" and Memorial Service at the Bushnell National Cemetery. Yes we were both there "waving our Flags" and proud of it!!!
Then we left there and went back to the Post to help serve hundreds of Vets; homeless, black or white, straight or gay! We all had one thing in common, we were there to celebrate the Veteran. love john

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we still do Monday nights...any Vet that is a friend of yours is a friend of ours, as long as they are willing to shout out answers to Jeapordy!....oh...and eat lots of food..and take home leftovers...and be in the company of NYSTI people......(actors); sit by a woodstove and have homemade pie.....Hmmmmmmmmm... Bring Elvis, we miss that big yella dawg. 11-19 is Kate's 25'th. Glenn, sweet if you all could come.

11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we still do Monday nights...any Vet that is a friend of yours is a friend of ours, as long as they are willing to shout out answers to Jeapordy!....oh...and eat lots of food..and take home leftovers...and be in the company of NYSTI people......(actors); sit by a woodstove and have homemade pie.....Hmmmmmmmmm... Bring Elvis, we miss that big yella dawg. 11-19 is Kate's 25'th. Glenn, sweet if you all could come.

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Glenn, and all. You and the folks by your side did more for us than we could ever repay...THANK YOU! Glenn, we are celebrating Katie's B'Day momday, 11-19, you and T and dogs, please come. Menu is: roasted leg of lamb, roasted potatoes, braised spinach, steamed acorn squash with maple syrup;sauteed spinach and garlic, steamed artichokes and a wilted baby green salad with tomatoes

11:57 PM  

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