Saturday, May 05, 2012

Saturday and a Day Off

Well believe it or not...on occasion we get a day off here in the war zone ( it's only marginally a war zone...but I came where I was told...ha ha).  The pace of the days are starting to pick up a bit here but the work is managable.  This last week I was busy with various military justice issues and adjusting to my life as the NCOIC of ASG-KU.  The person I replaced was not the most ambitious individual, so my boss is impressed when I take even a little initiative.  I have some young soldiers to mentor and they need a little work but they are good kids and I enjoy that part of the job.  Yesterday I had to go off post (outside the wire) to pick up a military judge up at Ali As salem...which is the major in/out center for soldiers and civilians coming and out of the war zone.  It was a little scary...but mostly because the effin Kuwaitees drive worse than NYC cab drivers.  If I die in Kuwait it will because some jackass cuts me off on some lonely desert road and leaves me in a sand pit to rot.  But it is weird to be driving in a strange place like Kuwait.  I have to pitch myself to make sure I am not dreaming.  If you break down here there is no triple AAA.  All along the road to Ali yesterday I saw broken down and wreaked cars.  Just sitting there.  In the wreaked cars I tried to see if there were any bodies in them but they appeared to be empty.  But really it wouldn't surprise me if there were some found.  Well it is officially May, so happy May everyone.  I know it is almost Tulip Festival time and that the Tulips were almost in full bloom in Albany, but I hope a few survived for next weekend.  It is like summer here...hitting 100 everyday now.  I miss the Spring in NY.  Hopefully next year this time.  Enjoy your weekend peeps.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tulips are actually half dead. We've had such an insane weather's been pretty warm, but now we've gotten rain, so they may be scrambling to replace a bunch of them.

8:58 PM  

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