SFC Read at Long Last
Today is the last day of October. What a good month its been overall. On October 17th, I was promoted to Sergeant First Class after having been an E-6 nearly 21 years. It has been a long struggle but I finally pinned on the new rank at a ceremony held in the Court Room in the building I work at on Camp Arifjan. I have to say it was oe of the most emotional few days I've had. I was able to get several of my close army buddies to come to the ceremony and it was without a doubt one of the best days I've had here in Kuwait. The month has moved on pretty quickly and tonight was Halloween and I participated in a 5K fun run that included some soldiers who were all dressed up in interesting costumes. Today being Halloween means tomorrow is November 1st. Which means that in a few hours I can say that I am going home next month! Not exactly sure when in December, but pretty sure that it will be before Christmas. The dark days of Camp Shelby are a distance memory now. October has always been one of my favorite months. I am getting really excited about the countdown to the end of this deployment. This year has dragged on forever. But, as I said a month ago, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Halloween is over and around the corner is Thanksgiving. The its home for Christmas. And I hope its a white one. Goodbye October, Hello November!