Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Goodbyes and Goodlucks

The last few days have flown by for me. I have begun the process of saying goodbye. Its difficult to say the least. My friends are having a party for me on Monday night. I am dreading it because I know it will be very emotional. Over the weekend, I had a tough day on Sunday saying goodbye to my best friend Eric and his girlfriend Wanda. I have been friends with Eric since 2001 and he lived with me for several years (up to last September). He is one of the smartest guys I know. He is also one of the most loyal and committed guys I know. If there was one person in the world that I could have in the foxhole with me, it would be him without a doubt. Over the years we have had quite a few verbal battles, and at he knew just what to do to piss me off and get me going. We would have these stupid bets all the time about crazy shit. And almost everytime he would win. One time I lost a bet with him which required me to go to brunch wearing these enormous green Hulk Hands and talking like the hulk to the waitress. Damn that sucked. Most of the times he won and I had to buy dinners. Well I know I owe him a few still. (If you asked him how many, he would know, and could tell you what the original bet was...haha) About two years ago, he met Wanda. She is so beautiful and sweet. I know they love each other very much and I am blessed to have them both in my life. So Sunday was hard. The other day I got a email about my friend Karin's blog. I read her latest entry and it was about me. She is having a hard time with this, but I hope she knows how much I care about her and am grateful that we have been friends for as long as we have been. Alot of people have been saying goodbye to me and wishing me good luck. Good luck and be careful they say. I guess its hard to know just what to say in a situation like this. So the beginning of a long week of goodbyes and goodlucks have begun. I wish I could fast forward through this part.


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