Saturday, April 15, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Well my first week in Texas has been a pretty full one. Its seems like longer, but its just been one week. I have been so busy its hard to keep up with everything. As the NCOIC of the Legal Section I am basically responsible for all the enlisted ranks as well as managing the office for the JAG and Deputy JAG. In addition to my work in the office I will be busy taking the various combat courses and other training necessary to be green lighted to go to Iraq. I need to qualify with my weapon, learn anti-terrorist tactics and how to deal with IED's and alot of other stuff. I am interested in all this stuff. I am tired, but I feel real good about this move so far. Other then the fact that my pay is screwed up, I think things are going very well. As it looks right now, I believe that I will be in Texas throughout the summer. Damn its hot here already. If we leave in August, I cant even imagine what its going to be like then. The good news is that it looks like we will be able to take a two-week leave before we go. That will be around my birthday in August. So I dont know for sure, but it looks like I will get to see all my family and my buds one more time before I go play in the worlds biggest sandbox. I miss Elvis and all my buds alot. But I will be seeing you soon. Until then...keep checking back here to find out what I am up to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

busy? You don't know what busy is until you cook for two softball teams consisting of 19 players each! You should remember, it's a really BIG field. We should have more people who come to play and not just eat! Saw your spot twice today - what a handsome guy!!! crazy...But.. Handsome!!!

10:53 PM  

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