Monday, April 17, 2006

What My Day Was Like

Today started around 5:30am. I got up and got into PT gear and went to the PT formation. It was the first time I did anything really physical in a week. We did a few stretches and exercises and then a quick 2 mile run. I did well....out ran all the youngster in the section. After PT, I showered and went to the mess hall to pick up some breakfast and reported to the office at about 7:15. I began planning my day which included several meetings, and some work we needed to do on some soldiers who had screwed up. When my staff arrived, we went to work on some of the Article 15s (these are sort of pleas that a commander can offer to a soldier instead of a court martial). That took us to about 11:00am when I had to go to a company meeting where we were briefed on a bunch of stuff. At 12:00 I met two of my soldiers who went to chow with me and we had an informal meeting about what I expected from them and brainstormed about ways to improve the JAG Office. The three of us then headed over to III Corp (the Fort Hood Headquarters) where we met with a Legal NCO who was on active duty and who had tons of experience. He agreed to help us get organized and we all agreed that was going to be very helpful to us. At around 1500 hours we headed back to the Office where I began finishing up with two Article 15 packets that were to be hand delivered to a Company Commander at 1600 hours (4pm) At 1630, I had to go to a company training meeting where we learned about some of the training we would be taking in the next month or so....some of that include training on various weapons and responding to IED attacks. Back to the office at 17:00 and worked on a briefing the LTC would be given later that night. On Sunday the LTC and I worked together on a script (mini-skit) that we would perform later on monday night. Felt like old times. Ha Ha. Back to chow around 17:45. At around 18:00 we went to the building where we were presenting the briefing and set everything up. At about 1830 the LTC and Captain came in and we did a dry run of the briefing. The briefing began at about 1900. It went well and the LTC like our skit alot. The briefing ended about 2100 hours and we packed and went back to the office and dropped off supplies, ect. We shut the office down and then headed back to the billets. The work day ended for me at 2115. Now I am going to bed. Hope your day was shorter then mine, but I am turning in now cause I got pt tommorow at 0600. :-)


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