Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Clueless: Georgie Saves us from Gay Marriages

War in Iraq, poverty, AIDS, a slumping stock market and an environmental crisis looming. Iran and North Korea trying to get the bomb. Most of the world hates us. Where is Osama? A Growing budget deficit. 40 million people without health insurance. Americans are fat and getting fatter. In these dark times, Americans look to our President for leadership. The President steps forward....and he ponders for a moment....and finally, afer a long pause...he speaks. His answer to all of these complicated problems is simple. We have to keep gays from getting married. Huh? What the f....K? This is the Bush plan? Keep the queers in their place? What the f...k does gay marriage have to do with all the shit he's gotten us into? Were gays instumental in building the case for the war? Did they lie about intelligence and the reasons for going to war?...Can we blame the gays for 9-11 or for depriving millions of adequate medical insurance?....Can you believe this bullshit? Here we are...a great and powerful nation...going to hell in a hurray and all he says is that he is preserving the institution of marriage. Look pal...if you are not getting laid and your wife is fat and ugly and your kids are on drugs and you hate your job and your meaningless life....there is a way out. Bash those goddamn gays. That will make it all better. See if we distract them long enough...well maybe the American People will forget all of the other problems. And just in time for the midterm elections. You see...its still ok to hate gays in this country. And by rallying behind this constitutional amendment against gay marriage, the far right (including King George) is trying hard to tap into the deep resevoir of hatred, bigotry and homophobia that exists in this country. Oh they will never admit that but its so damn obvious what Karl "the Brain" Rove and his conniving little gang is up to. This is about saving the legacy of one of the most corrupt, incompentent, lying, cheating, scheming, hateful, and oh yeah, f..cked up administrations in american history. I am soooo sick and tired of this bullshit. Last month its "lets keep those illegal aliens out" and this month its lets keep the gays from marrying each other. Whats next month? I really hope that the American voters dont fall for this weak ass shit again. But I am not optimistic. TAKE A DEEP BREATH GLENN. AHHHHHHHHHH...... much better. I feel better now. :-)! Other then being pissed off and tired..I'm doing great...thanks for asking.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must have read my mind. By the way, I thought the Constitution was an instrument of inclusion, not exclusion. Leave it to George and his crew to try to change that.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, bro. It's all a hot-button triggering a smokescreen to cover their defalications. Aren't conservitives suposed to be about small government, non-invasive government, personal choice and responsibility? Doesn't AMENDING THE F**KING CONSTITUTION -- never mind MAKING ANOTHER DAMN LAW -- fly flagrently in the face of that core principle of conservitism?
I heard one of the Bushies say mariage is our most important institution -- HOW?!?! BOLOCKS!! Our Constitution that safeguards a free nation and frames a secular government not allowed in our churches, synagogs mosques, temples, brains, bookshelves &........BEDROOMS is our most important institution! The Constitution needs protecting, not mariage! Was it Bertrand Russle that said "When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carying a cross."? Well, knock knock.
Hi Glenn, Miss my big mouth?

8:33 PM  

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