Soldiering On

Today I qualified with my M16A2. I hit 25 targets out of about 35. Not too bad over all. I was the NCOIC of the group that went out to the range today. This is the second time in the last few weeks that I have been tasked with being the NCOIC of a training. It went well. Out of 14 people, 11 qualified. Thats pretty good I think. Next week I will be taking a Combat Life Saver Course. Its 4 days of intense medical training that will qualify me to be a "medic want to be." This should be interesting. I had a good time on pass last weekend, but there was alot of work to do when I got back. Lots of guys went AWOL, some got drunk and some tried to kill themselves. The JAG office is always busy dealing with all the _____ups in our Brigade. This is nothing compared to what we will experience in Country. It was great to see all my family. Everyone is doing well. My twin is working on being a EMT. I think that she will be very good at that. I am including some pics of me and my family from my memorial day pass. I hope to see them again once more before I leave the country. At any rate, I hope everyone is doing ok. I am still learning and having fun down here
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