Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Today was a bad day for the Army. Two young soldiers were found dead in Iraq. They had been overrun at a checkpoint and were taken hostage. Their bodies were mutilated and booby-trapped with explosives. I feel awful...for these young kids who have not even had a chance to live and for their families and friends. I pray they did not suffer...but I doubt the people who killed them showed them much compassion. Also in the news today there was a story about several Marines being charged with murdering an Iraqi civilian. The Marines were looking for insurgents and when they couldnt find one, they busted down a door and found an Iraqi civilian and killed him instead. Then they tried to cover it all up. I'd like to believe that at least one of these Marines showed even a morsel of guilt before he pulled the trigger. But my guess is, not much compassion was shown this man either. It was a bad day in Iraq. Compassion...where is it? Why is it so hard for us to understand that all this talk about good and evil, right and wrong, black and white, ect., is just alot of bullshit. Each side in this conflict believes that God is on their side. But when they say that God is on their side and they go out of their way to de-humanize their enemies....well...I think that goes against everything that a compassionate, loving God stands for. I just dont understand how "christians" could possible support this war or the way that we have treated Iraqi civilians. I am i making sense here? Am I the only one who sees through this shit? Look I understand that we are at war...and that we are fighting an "enemy", but shit lets try real hard to live by the golden rule. Treat others as you would like to be treated. And for God's sake, lets try to show some fu........... compassion.


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