Saturday, August 26, 2006

Climatizing and Aclamation

Well this has been an interesting week. I think its Saturday, but I dont know for sure. The last few days we have just been trying to adapt the time difference from home and the intense heat. I am making progress on both fronts. Although my sleep pattern is still a little messed up, overall I am adjusting well. The heat on the other hand...well lets just say I would take a nice cold January morning over this in a heart beat. Its hard to decribe what this place looks like, but think the surface of the moon with tents on them. Or maybe Hiroshimo after the blast. Its pretty desolate. I have seen no trees and the only shade we have is man-made. No animal either, other then an ant or two. My buddy claims to have seen a desert rat, but I can't confirm that. We think that we will be here for a couple more weeks and then on to Iraq. Exact dates and places are classified. Sorry guys. But if you want, tune into Fox News. They might no more then we do. Yesterday we got up at 3:00am to go fire our weapons. We did it that early because it was too hot to do it at other times. Besides the range and some mandatory classes and briefings, its been pretty relaxed. We have been able to watch movies and play video games when we were not training. Over-all, its been an interesting few days here. I will keep you posted if we have any excitement while we are here. Peace my peeps!


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