Tuesday, August 29, 2006

One week down - 51 to Go

It has been a week since I left the comforts of my single room, air-conditioned room at Fort Hood Texas. Hard to believe. But my life right now is all about sleeping with 15 other guys in a tent that has air-conditioning that works about half the time. My sleep pattern is a little messed up right now. Still feeling energetic at the wrong times and tired most of the time. In two days we will be getting a sandstorm that last for about 5 days. I am not looking forward to this new experience. The food is plentiful but my appetite is off as well. Today I participated in 5 briefings with my LTC and the soldiers who work under me. That went pretty well. I just found out that I will be the Sergeant of the Guard for 24 hours later this week. I can't tell you what we are guarding. I here things are going well in Albany. I am glad of that. I miss everyone more and more everyday. Getting emails from you all makes my day. Its what I find myself looking forward to most of all glennzing@aol.com if you are interested. Take care for now, I got to try to sleep.


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